Sunday, December 18, 2005

Persons of the Year

Time magazine has named Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as U2 singer Bono, as persons of the yar for their charitable work around the world. The Gates Foundation has an endowment in the range of $29 billion, easily the largest in the world that I am aware of, and they have targeted several areas of concern, ranging from education, making medications for AIDs and other diseases available in the poorest nations of the world, and addressing extreme poverty and hunger around the world. Bono, who is genuinely concerned about AIDs and poverty, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize on several occasions for his efforts to convince world leaders to forgive debt owed by the poorest nations in the world. He has been associated with up to $40 billion in debt relief, as he has met with numerous world leaders over the last several years.

Time went on to name former presidents Bush (senior) and Clinton Partners of the Year, for their efforts to raise disaster relief funds for the tsunami, earthquake (Pakistan) and hurricanes in the U.S.

In my opinion, these are fine choices. I appreciate how they made sure to honor those who have directly tried to fix some of the world's worst problems by taking action, and who have gotten away from all the rhetoric that so many leaders put out there about how terrible poverty and the spread of disease are, but then go about business as usual. I'd be interested in other candidates you have in mind, who are deserving but not recognized by Time. Who is your Person of the Year?

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